Can you jump rope on grass?

No, you should not jump rope on grass - and here’s why.

First and foremost, it’s dangerous. Grass can be very uneven, and soft and therefore is a highly unstable surface. This is the perfect recipe for a rolled ankle, also known as a sprained ankle. This is a nasty injury where the ankle joint is excessively turned to the point the tendons - which provide stability and strength to the ankle joint - become stretched or torn. The cost-to-benefit ratio here is simply not worth it.

Secondly, and this is less of an obvious reason, it’s just not an easy surface to jump rope on. The grass itself will make it hard for the rope to move around you so you’ll soon realise it’s just not a fun experience.

You may some people folk jump on grass, but as a professional jump rope coach I would always advise against it in favour of other surfaces. Of course, with safety and caution, you can jump rope on grass - but at your own risk!


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